I'm continuing to recover and improve. Its been a long time coming. Peace and harmony are returning. I'm saying my daily prayers (morning, night, plus mealtimes)I'm reading my scriptures each night. It may seem to the untrained eye that I'm giving a lot of time to God, but in reality by these actions I'm allowing him more access to me. I feel it. I can testify of this. This brings me joy. As our world faces uncertainty, I feel certain of one thing and that is God lives and Jesus is the Christ. Its a feeling of great freedom.
I will mention something of interest about my health. I saw a doctor today that has a light. It looks like a flash light. But the light can show the veins beneath the skin. Technology amazes me. The doctor and I could see that I had varicose veins. Was this worsen by inactivity during tx? I'm quite sure it was. I'm getting a ultrasound tomorrow and then laser tx for these. My legs will look better with out the spider veins. And feel better with out the large varicose veins. The pain and restlessness I feel may be caused from these. I would never have seen these with out this miraculous light. It will be interesting to see how I feel after the tx for the veins. I won't have much down time from this procedure.
My son came back to Phoenix after a month in Utah. I picked him up at the airport. On the way to his place we stopped for "In and Out Burger". Nice of him to buy me lunch. Good to see him and listen to his youthful optimism.
I'm going to see lots of my hep-c friends in the UK next month. Looking forward to meeting these people that helped me through this most difficult trial of hep-c tx. God really does answer our prayers through many means. Here are these people that have sent me endless messages from cyberspace, and gave me strength. I hope I did the same for some of them.