Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Footprints in the Sand

I'm wondering how I got through tx without taking my life. I'm sure many hcv patients don't feel this way but the interferon really affected my brain chemistry. I'm back to pre-tx self. Glad that was not permanent. Anyone that reads this..LISTEN ITS NOT PERMANENT. Have hope! Also wondering how I managed post tx. That was rough in a different way. Most family members and even doctors wasn't really understanding how long the chemicals stay in the system. The medical community should just tell the truth. It takes 6 months to feel good. Maybe some feel better sooner (I did) but to feel solid opinion...Dr. HUMBLE here.... its 6 months.

I'm thankful to God for being there, helping me make it through. I might not have noticed him there but now I look back, I know he was there during my darkest hours. Its like the poem "footprints in the sand". I look back and only see one footprint. This is a wonderful link to the poem. I feel this way about my life this past year.



At March 20, 2009 at 5:05 AM , Blogger Changedit said...

I totally agree with you. I don't know how I made it through either, but I have. And only the latter is important now. And now 6 month past my brain power has restored again too. Maybe I lost a few brain cells on the way, but who cares. I certainly would have lost more of them if my life had been normal and I would have been drinking. I thank Mother Nature for the amazing body she has given me. To recover from something that big ... WOW!!!


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