Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wow they worked?

I'm amazed to find that the Malic Acid with Magnesium and vitamin D were helpful. It worked better then any sleeping pill I'd been taking....which by the way..never worked. I don't know which one worked that quickly...my guess it was the Magnesium. My muscles didn't tense up and hurt in the night till about four am. I took another one and watched a show..falling asleep again. Have not sleep that well in a long time. I'm going to see how I do tonight. I read many web articles about the lack of Magnesium and vitamin D. Both can cause pain. They both calm nerves, help depression, and do many things. The vitamin D is very important and we don't get it in winter months. Magnesium has also shown to be helpful for PMS. Why don't they give young girls Magnesium instead of anti ds? Then the big pharmaceutical companies wouldn't get their money if everyone could be helped from a mineral. I'm just waking up and had to post this. I'm still skeptical (just my nature). I will see how I do the rest of the week.


At February 10, 2009 at 9:57 AM , Blogger Changedit said...

You're right with the vitamin D. I will get some tomorrow. I keep forgetting that we cant produce much of our own during winter months. Particularly in this country where there is hardly any sun at all - winter AND summer LOL. shame I can't take magnesium, I am allergic to it. Come out in hives, get the sweats and when I take to much, I faint! So I rely on getting enough of that through diet.

Glad you're having some success finally. I hope it continues. xxx


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