Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hard Day need anti'ds?

I have cut my anti-ds in quarters and taking one quarter each day for over a week. Thought I was doing quite well. Today I had a fall/back. I was angry at my kids for sleeping in. Just seems like it always happens. Lots of things building up. Flash back from my ex marriage and step kids. I may have had a flash back to the riba rage. I was so mad and couldn't explain myself. Mostly I cried while telling the kids it was time they grow up and move out. I needed help and all my friends weren't doing it for me. I decided my son needed a man. I called his Uncle from his Dads side. I cried and he understood. He called my son to try to fix things. So now its fixed. We are on happy terms. My kids are great kids. I just can't seem to communicate as I'd like at this time. I should have written an email instead of yelling and crying like a ten year old. Then I could make sense of the note and my thoughts. I'm so thankful the kids put up with me. I look forward to the days ahead that these drugs are out of my system!!

This experience shows me that the sides from post tx are real. I looked on Nomads today and was surprised that another tx friend had a angry outburst with her daughter today. She is still on anti-ds so it may not be what caused my problem at all. I'm still going to get off them. I took my full dose today and will do that every other day till I settle down. Then I'll slowly get off of them. I'm glad I stayed on a lower then normal dose to begin with. Getting on half my lower dose this week brought my sixe down in pants. I was so happy to be back to my skinnier jeans. I think I'll call the anti-ds my fat pills since that is what they are. Oh you are happy..... but then you are down since you get bigger. grrr


At November 14, 2008 at 9:52 AM , Blogger Changedit said...

Dear Humble, I think these outbreaks with kids are normal, not just tx related. I know many parents who do that daily, the main thing is, that your kids still know that you love them. Everything else can be forgiven and forgotten. XXXX


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